To tax or not to tax

Oh no they didn't... OK, actually, they did. The English government have dared the ruffle the feathers of the bulging beasts. What am I talking about? You know...don't you? Allow me to explain. The people in power are discussing the possibility of slapping a tax on fizzy drinks. Yes, the H20 of the obese generation. Unless you are pretty thick (apologises if you actually are). For those who are not then you will know that fizzy drinks are bad for you. Laden full of sugar, chemicals and preservatives that maybe in slight moderation is not too, too bad, but... (big but) (or wobbly butts, obese folk), where was I...Oh yes, it does not take a genius to realise that these such people do not know about moderation - so subsequently fizzy drinks play havoc with their bodies and add to their overall body mass indexes. (BMI). 

Unless you are the president of Samoa, then generally you wish for your people to be pretty healthy and fit. Even Obama wants the same for the USA. Although, there is one thing to want and another to obtain. The Prime Minister and his flunkies really care about this country and the well-being of its sugar craving growing population.

The English media has claimed that "ballooning waistlines are constituting to a huge crisis." Which is quite a sad and sobering thought if you sit down and think about it. Time to get up now, some may be very ignorant and say the obese bring it upon themselves.  Many individuals are slipping or rolling down the hill to fatty town and the government has just about had enough of this epidemic. Not so long ago there were murmurings that benefits would be cut for recipients who are deemed to being over weight and need to lose some horse meat. I suppose it affects their ability to be motivated and find work. But in reality, I do not see this ever happening. It can't happen...can it??

Sanctions on fizzy drinks, categorising them like cigarettes to policing benefits and even fast food adverts, which could now face an over hall resulting in them being shown after the watershed (9pm, although I have seen all sorts on TV before this supposed window of 'badness'). Anyway, sanctions to my mind and restrictions will only serve (behave, please... not a food pun) our more chunky members of society to perhaps revolt or even worse; force them underground, (like disgruntled chubby badgers). It may sound a bit extreme to envisage that these whales will take such discussions lying down. There is only so much a person can put up with before they snap out of belts and skirts and let loose.

I know for a fact that if the government starts hiking the prices of soft drinks and the like - then thickset frames and minds will start peddling and distributing their own sugary substances to fellow fiends who can't quite afford the inflated prices, and let us not forget that if the benefits are to be cut - then this will only make matters worse and further perpetuate the growing desperation of people who like you and I have feelings and, well, deserve to be treated somewhat more fairly.

Demola, TCC


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