"I lost 46 stone of fat..."

It's only the forth day of January and already I have heard a story in the news that has astounded me. In probably good and bad ways. Well, a bloke who has been dubbed the world's fattest man has somehow managed to shed a whopping 46 stone. Yes, this former great hippopotamus, Paul Mason from Ipswich was a great big 70 stones before he had a gastric bypass (some medical procedure I don't know the in's and outs of). Anyway, he had this operation which I assume was highly complicated back in 2010 to reduce the size of his mammoth stomach. 

Fast forward to 2013 and now the man once the size of the Titanic weighs in at a 'respectable' 24 stone of less lard. But as you could imagine - when a person loses a whole heap of blubber they will unfortunately be left with extremely saggy and baggy skin. So, Mr Mason (no relation to Perry) will have to fork out (no pun intended) another £37, 000 to remove the excess folds of loose skin hanging about.

Apparently, the 51 year old is supposed to have said (in between chowing down on 12 roast dinners) that he was ashamed to be called the fattest man in the world (oh really) - as it dawned on him that he had gotten himself into a terrible state. (In 2002 fire-fighters had to smash down the front wall of his home and used a forklift to load him into an ambulance when he needed a hernia operation). So, maybe, that was one example that made him sit up (well try to) and decide that he needed to make a change in his life.

Now, Paul Mason is much happier - he can call himself the worlds best slimmer. Which is totally commendable. Having said this, he realises he has some more to go to achieve his ideal 14 stone target.

I actually wondered how exactly he got himself into such a gruesome state in the first place. (Yes, I know it's because he was always 'hungry' but, c'mon).

On deeper investigation his gluttonous past does make for some pretty grim reading. Mr Paul would gorge on four fish and chip dinners a day alongside 40 packets of crisps, ( I feel decidedly queasy). Note, this is what he has divulged. As from watching shows that feature overweight folks it has later transpired that many tell lies about what they consume to not sound so bad. So... if this is what he has 'admitted' well, the mind boggles.


Demola, TCC


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