Harlem responds to 'Harlem Shake'

News just in, the world has officially gone mad. Fresh from my last post, I feel its my duty to report that the native residents of Harlem, New York are very disgruntled about this latest flash mob style dance gimmick.

In this video clip, people of all ages show their unreserved disgust at how people dare to come together, and basically have abit of fun. Admittedly, the way the people dance to the Baauer produced track doesn't at all resemble the 'Harlem shake' in its purest form, but I don't think its supposed to. It's simply the title to an instrumental track. On top of that, the videos are not official music videos, and the people in them are not really even dancing - crazed over enthusiastic convulsions is more on the money.

I don't know what's actually funnier, the people featured in this video taking offence to a dance move or the previous video I posted of the clips that they are taking offence to.

What I do know, is the guy featured in this video wearing a tea towel on his head is highly amusing. Especially when after showing his disdain for how much people around the world are mocking their sacred dance move, he breaks out into probably the worst Harlem shake I've probably ever witnessed complete with a cringe factor of 10 out of 10.

So, please, I urge all Harlemites to calm down. No one has to get hurt. You can have your one dance move back; right after YouTube is done with it. Shouldn't be too long now.

Joshua, TCC


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