Harlem shake your troubles away

Back on January 11th this year, I posted an instrumental beat that I would tend to play repeatedly and at a high volume. Now, it has been come apparent that this beat has indeed captivated the entire human race.

This energetic beat has united the world and possibly could be the answer to world peace. Humans of all walks of life have come together to 'Harlem shake' away their problems and stresses.

You tube this track, you will see exactly what I am talking about.  I'm not usually a fan of random internet posted home video blooper style footage, but I find this particular internet fad hilarious.

I love seeing the human species not taking themselves too seriously. When you truly strip life back, we are all big kids at heart. So why not put your guns down, forget about work, round up some friends and let the music heal you.

Yes, these clips have indeed restored my faith in society.

Track credit: Baauer, Harlem Shake.

Joshua, TCC


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