2012 Winding down thoughts

So, 2012 is drawing to its conclusion. And what an interesting year it has been.

For me, personally, this year has been one of great creativity. Allowing the mind to flourish and be free to see things more imaginatively. This world has so many beautiful things to be appreciated and drawn upon if we take the time to take note of what is around us. This way of thinking has coincided with the inception and growth of our blog. From a conversation between a group of friends about having a forum to showcase our subjective talents and interests - then starting The Chesterfield Collective and seeing how it has grown and developed throughout the year - to receiving lovely feedback, has been something I can say without hesitation has given us all a nice sense of pride.

Regular viewers will be aware of what this blog is all about - and that we have many interests and passions and express them via many mediums. 2013 will be much more of the same, but better - better for a year of blogging. Sharper and more refined, more astute. We strive to improve in all aspects of The Collective product and you will see this over the coming months. And for new visitors out there, welcome. You have found a place where you will experience a very different take and vibe to popular culture and all things creative and unique.

Music is something that we all love and adore at The Chesterfield Collective. Our music section will testify to this with the supremely eclectic tastes that we all share when it comes to music genres. I have had the pleasure of listening to some truly great albums this year, and as 2012 winds down I have wondered what my top three albums of not only a creative year - but one when music helped to inspire so many things associated with writing and mood setting. On that basis, my way of deciding on what I have enjoyed the most boils down to the frequency in which I have listened to the albums in question and how they have made a music fanatic feel.

Miike Snow - Happy To You 

This album was the soundtrack to my spring trip abroad. The pleasure and place it took me to is something that lingers in the memory. Electro tracks, snappy beats and the fantastic hip sound that is Miike Snow can not be matched for me.

Frank Ocean - Channel Orange

The RnB heart will still beat with this man around. He is the saviour of a declining genre. Affording it credibility and breathing a fresh new take and light that is so appearant when you experience his lyrics, melodies, beats and undoubted vocal talent. He, simply is the man.

Solange EP - True

Not even an album - but a 7 tracked EP, never the less - my favourite, favourite song and video of the year without a shadow of a doubt was Solange's - Losing You. If ever a song could capture the imagination - then this is the one that did it for me in 2012. Thanks to fellow Collective member David for posting it.

I know that I can speak for the others in wanting to say a big thank you for your continuous views. We are as much fans of what each other does as you are.

Thank you...

Demola, TCC


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