The movie franchise of yesteryear

The other day I happened to go into a pub in my city centre (one that I would never normally ever think of venturing into). Anyway, I instantly noticed these two old movie posters on the wall. Being  fascinated, I had a closer look (plus, some quick snaps with my phone). It got me thinking about the films from yesteryear, with these ones being Westerns for example - how a film would always be accompanied by an artistic poster. For real movie buffs, these little gems were all part of the whole experience, seeing an anticipated film - and obtaining a poster - that in later years (such as these two) look so iconic and ooze nostalgia.

Love things like this. I would really love some of the posters that went alongside the Blaxploitation films from the 70's some of the images from that era are so retro and ridiculously cool.

Demola, TCC


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