Tales from the coffee shop - In search of inspiration

She had hit a brick wall. Unable to over come it she felt decidedly frustrated. She sighed a small sigh and took a sip of her orange tea. The tea smelt better than it actually tasted. Rattling her manicured nails on the worn wooden table, she surveyed her quaint surroundings. Watching the small gaggle of people dotted about.

The coffee shop was quiet, it was early. She preferred coming earlier in the day to work on her novel. Prior to today she had been surfing on a writing crest of a wave. Enjoying many days of fantastic inspiration. Ploughing through chapter after chapter. But now, nothing. A few menial lines that didn't particularly impress her creative mind.

Yawning a stagnated yawn - her navy eyes fixated on a pretty mother and baby sat together. The mother looked happy and content as she fed her rather adorable jovial baby some toast. They appeared as one.

She thought about this spectacle and continued to stare in slight envy until the mother noticed the longing gaze and smiled, before tenderly kissing her child. Reciprocating the polite smile she took another sip of her orange tea and puffed out her cheeks before attempting to type out some words.

The hours meandered along, as the coffee shop grew steadily busier.

Submitted by Demola, The Collective


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