
Who would of thought? One of the most infamous boy bands in boy band culture would have spawned one of the most resonate, mellow RnB anthems of all time?  (The origins of Justin Timberlake emerges from Barbie and Ken territory).

I'm sure I heard he penned this song because Brittany Spears,( his girl at the time). Had gone out to the shops and had not come back quick enough or something.  Yes, due to either Justin displaying severe insecurities to the point he couldn't help but pen a number one hit if his girl got stuck in traffic on the way back from picking up some toilet paper, or whether it took Britany well over an hour to come back from the local corner shop which was only three minutes away by Porsche...

Who knows, and who cares. All I know is this was the first song that paved the way for Justin personally, to the point he went on to add his touch to 'Cry Me A River' and later pen: 'What goes around'...

Yes, this was a soft, romantic track... and possibly the best song N'Sync managed to put out RnB wise... with a heartbreaking edge to it.

N'Sync - Gone

Joshua, TCC


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