A leisurely amble

At a slight loose end, in need of some air. Can't be bothered with staying in all evening - deciding I need some food, why not take a stroll to the supermarket.

Stood outside, denim boat deckers on, BBC hoodie zipped up high and some comfortable cords..I'm good to go. A bit of music playing: Bombay bicycle club. It fits well.

The bout of summer rain that interluded the warm weather has now ceased. The temperature has dropped, the air is cooler, which feels nice due to the shower.

It's that kind of leisurely amble when you are chilled, just perfect. I'm not in a rush. Scrolling through my contacts list in my phone..who shall I call; I settle on the Angolan kid.

 A random woman taking photos of another woman take my attention as I walk...hmm.

Supermarket...what do I need; let me have a look around this often frequented place. This temple of food and amenities isn't so busy. It's one of those visits that you take your time, have a good look. I meander through the various aisles as I listen to music. My eye for a bargain is no where as refined or astute as my mothers.

Movements of a relaxed man. Magazine section, glossies residing in colourful unison. The latest Gentleman's Quarterly catches my eye. Andrew Garfield on the cover, Spiderman is about to be rebooted. I have no idea why they feel the need. I thought Toby Maguire did a good job.

Needless to say the magazine makes its way into my basket.

No cheap books worth buying. Why is there a book on behind the scenes of the Voice...no thanks, what's the point. I have enough books that still need reading.

Checkout...stood behind a female who has just embarked on a big shop in comparison to my basket of bits and pieces. I don't care much for her useless food items - as they hog the conveyor belt. I don't even really register her face. Oh, I did notice some pork chops. I'm in no hurry, so I have a nice amount of patience.

The man that has just walked behind me is a big fella. Stomach brooding, it's not far away from me, I feel its presence. I am in the middle of an unusual sandwich - but I stay relaxed. Until I smell a less than satisfactory odour. I certainly know it wasn't me! In a supermarket checkout aisle...one word - VILE! I look at him with a pinch of marinated contempt. He knows what he has done. Then I look away. The man on the tannoy should name and shame this goat, but he has no idea of what just occurred. And I cannot be bothered to report him.

Food and magazine purchased. Time to return home.

The walk is a slow amble like the journey here. But who cares, I'm in no rush...

Submitted by Demola, The Collective


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