Carnal Pursuits

Collective Inspired...

The capabilities of a brilliant man dwindle with every sip of wine, every pull of a cigarette, and with the succumbing to the allure and seduction of an attractive woman.

The contrary rests in his mind like a treacherous viper of deceit, that befriends him as he wades in a sea of denial.

He challenges everyone, and everything - and his gifted brilliance sees him through. The gift that continues to curse.

What might become of him if he were to abstain from his carnel pursuits?

Perhaps a leader of the people dwells in our mists, as we reside in the most public houses. Entertained by his party tricks, his anecdotes of sordid affairs, and tales of debauchery.

As we gain, how many must lose?

As we laugh, how many shall cry?

The old cliche of the flawed genius resonates in folk law and old wives tales.

Destiny's call follows oppurtunity's knock, whilst temptation is rife and a regular visitor.

Submitted by David, The Collective


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