The Clarks Originals diaries

I began by going through the motions; excitement, doubt, apprehension, indecision. I went through an intense moment of inner conflict and eventually decided to take the plunge. I'm talking of course about the moment that you decide to wear a new pair of Clarks Originals for the first time.
I had profited from the sales, a suave  pair of cola hued suede Desert Londons.

The weather of late has been quite miserable and the last thing I wanted was a soaked and soggy pair of new suede shoes. I put them on, then took them off, then on, then off again. Eventually leaving the house in an older pair that I didn't mind so much being weather affected. I stood waiting for the bus in cold yet dry weather feeling like a coward. Something wasn't right, I stared towards my disappointed feet... I simply couldn't do it to them. In this predicament I didn't mind missing the bus and being late for work and quickly returned home and changed into the right pair.
On a grueling and taxing hunt for a rare pair of cherry coloured Desert Treks, Demola had been given industry insight into a slight design floor in our beloved originals. Due to the tender and delicate materials chosen to craft the shoes it seems that over time spent being worn and walked about (which perhaps they are too good for) it transpires that they have a tendency to expand resulting in a slight crease across the fore foot area which nobody wants. This unsettling development had me fearful to  say the least but I persevered. I may have adjusted my gait slightly to lessen the chances of this happening.
My office job is pretty sedentary so i knew that there wouldn't be too much heavy duty striding around. My Desert Londons were greeted by subtle glances by my admiring colleagues. The admirers, they never say a word... Some double-take uncontrolably but they never say a word. It is a surreal and  instinctual appreciation that only Clarks Originals wearers would understand.

I've seen it many times before and never for any other reason then a fresh pair of Originals.
With equal trepidation I shuffled my way to through the city, hoping to make it home without a splash, scratch or stain. As I got home I quickly changed into my scruffy runners and could finally breath a sigh of relief. My Desert Londons intact, ready to face another day.
David, TCC


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