Dear Margaret...


Dear Margaret,

I am in a bit of a pickle. Well, the reason for why I write to you is that I have done some terrible things that I am not proud of. I live in a quaint neck of the woods. I appreciate that I am an intimidating hulk of a specimen. Basically, I am a grizzly bear. I have recently been, well, killing humans that have been trekking through my woods. They don't mean any harm (I suppose). But when we catch sight of one another - they scream - I roar - and then things become awfully messy. In short, I mutilate them. I feel this is due to the stereotypical perception of what bears should be like; dangerous and vicious. I do feel obliged to adhere to this notion. Having said this, I really don't want to be this way. Please help. ANON.

Margaret says...

First and foremost - thank you for taking the time to write to me. I can fully appreciate the plight that you are in. My advice to you: would be to perhaps limit your murderous instincts to only a few occasions a week. Try and minimise it slowly. You will find that the urge begins to diminish over time. Also, I will send you my help BTTKTHOK leaflet, (Bears Trying To Kick The Habit Of Killing) which I am sure will give you some helpful information on how to kick the habit. I hope this helps.

Demola, TCC   First posted on 24/09/2012


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