The great storm

A great storm is coming.

That's what they've said. 

The Met office has warned us to be prepared.

It's a good job I'll be tucked up in bed.

Strong winds and torrential rain could cause destruction. 

I suppose some will be a little scared.

I'm tough - I won't be cowering under my duvet.

The storm will announce itself late at night and continue into the early hours.

I'm sure I will hear the vociferous elements making an awful racket. 

A flimsy umbrella would most probably fly away, and the skinny cats too.

An angry swirling wind beating its chest and making a terrible mess. 

They better hold on to their hats. 

And wigs.

Homeless people flustered, feeling distress.

Trees will sway, bins will topple, jiggly bellies will wobble as the terrible storm will demonstrate its power.

And might.

Then when the elements have finished hijacking the atmosphere we will wake and observe the potential damage that has been done. 

And perhaps think - wow, what a turbulent night.

Demola, TCC 


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