Their couch

The drunks love to gravitate to the old discarded couch.

Drinking away getting intoxicated on cheap liquor.
They love to slouch.
Their cabbage brains barely flicker.
The drunks have found somewhere to congregate and hang out.

One looked particularly worse for wear; apparently the vagabond had gout.
The drunks on the couch love to slur and shout. 
The locals don't care for this kind of behaviour, a few have decided to complain. 
Of course, this hasn't deterred the drunks.
They really couldn't give a damn.
They will always continue to act the same .

They have found a place to to sit and recline. 

To spend idle time.

This is their domain, it may not have an official name.

But, to all the locals, we know that it's their couch. 
Demola, TCC


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