A modern day legend - Mr X - Account Two

I can only describe the feeling as being somewhere undecided between shock and awe. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help myself. The attention that a glamorously attired 6 ft 5" man with all the bells and whistles of Boy George in his heyday is almost electromagnetic.

I had been attending a (so far) uneventful writing group for some weeks and although it was good wholesome fun it certainly lacked in the randomised spontaneity department - but all that was about to change...
In he strutted; an elongated stride pattern that was rhythmic enough to have been choreographed, thick soled boots that thudded along the floor boards and skin tight flamboyantly hued trousers that displayed far too much definition of the male form. Casually, he greeted anyone who caught his attention, staring directly at him for too long could insight an impromptu exchange or inappropriately familiar embrace as if you and him went way back. I managed to avert my glare just in time to evade the abashing predicament. He sat and introduced himself to the group as if he was going to be taking the class. His cocksure manner gave off an impression that we were privileged to encounter his presence.

He began to spin great yarns of his artistic prowess, his writing achievements, his industry connections and how we could hear him take the stage and display is musical ability on the open mic event that followed the writing group. Who could turn down such an opportunity?

The first sighting of Mr X is etched into my memory eternally and subsequent sightings have evoked equal hysteria if not more.

To be continued...

David, TCC


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