Fixie soldiers

You may or may not have noticed the rising trend of the single gear or 'fixie' bike. Demola and I have recently become members of what we like to call 'the extended family'. The fixie bike community seem to have an unspoken mutual respect for one another which is often displayed with a subtle glance of appreciation, also a fixie bike makes a great conversation starter. I recently stumbled across this clip that exhibits said camaraderie in full flow. The fixed soldiers are a fast growing group of riders who in their own words; meet up, drink beer and energy drinks, eat veggie food and cycle off 24 km into the night riding on one gear only at full pelt. It certainly looks like fun but be weary of the dangers as safety accessories and precautions such as reflectors, helmets, lights, and breaks are frowned upon amongst the fixed gear puritans.

David, TCC


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