Table for one...

" Table for one please..."

The first time I have ever said that line in my life. The words drifted out of my mouth into the restaurant and settled for a second before disintegrating.

"This way, sir." Said the waiter. Escorting me through the interesting looking eating house.

Showing me to my lonesome table - I sat and surveyed my surroundings. The place quite empty, maybe a blessing. If it had been crowded - then this situation may have felt more awkward.

Unsuspecting people sat at their tables dotted around. If it was crowded - I could have looked like I had arrived earlier to meet a potential date, which would never materialise. A subconscious act of looking at my watch would have added to this - if somebody was watching me. Poor thing, empathy and pity may have been felt by others or even a little chuckle.

I was unsure how to play this alien experience. So, I brought a book along - to, erm, look busy. Look busy in a restaurant?! Anyway, it came along.

Prior thinking had told me that a book whilst eating makes you look really intelligent... Well, this was the plan that I had formulated in my hotel room. It didn't take so long to concoct.

Complimentary Nachos and sauce were brought over to my table. They stayed untouched, I don't like such things.

I order, then wait patiently. Of course I am not the first person to have arrived at a situation like this, and I am certain I wont be the last. I actually notice three other people eating alone.

One man using his phone as a crutch. He barely looked at where he was putting his knife and fork - so intent was his phone usage.

A woman busily stuffing her face at a rate of knots. It's probably best that she was unaccompanied.

And another man, relaxed, eating, and appearing very comfortable in his own company.

My food was actually quite nice, and I finished it in a short space of minutes. A large glass of water looks at me. So I decide to take my time - rather than downing it quickly and making a swift getaway. (After paying a bill).

Once finished, and the bill paid, I leave.

Actually, that wasn't nearly as awkward or embarrassing as I would have imagined.

Does it warrant a mention on a bucket list that I don't have? Who knows, who cares.

Table for one... Not so daunting. Next stop - Cinema for one; perhaps.

Submitted by Demola, The Collective


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