Outside The Off-Licence

Collective Inspired...

There is a spillage outside the off-licence,
the result of some careless footing.

A confrontation ensues...
The apologetic party grows defensive from continuing accusations.

The aggrieved party suspects foul play.
Any sense of empathy and perhaps remorse vaporize as the regional tones amplify and the exchange of insults grow ever more profane.

The gathering crowd observe in awkward anticipation,
what will this escalate to?
Should I interject if things get out of hand?

The once kafuffle becomes a full blown scuffle,
collars are stretched past reformation.

A feeble right handed jab strikes the left cheek of the defensive offender,
the crowd separate in accordance with their moral stance.

Peacemakers amongst a baying mob have little or no say.
And then, like knights in highly visible armour, a police man and woman arrive on the scene astride their well-fed thoroughbred stallions.

The crowd quickly disperse and the "perps" are rounded up.
The semi-courageous hangers-on that posses the bottle to straddle the lines of having too much to say are subsequently moved along....

As there is nothing to see here.

Submitted by David, The Collective


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