Brandy, Trainers & Aftershave

The light catches the rim of the glass filled with brandy.
Right now I'm sitting up in my room...

...listening to Brandy.

The mist of the aftershave squirts into the air and hurtles onto my skin... neck to be precise.


I open up a box of fresh trainers.
The smell of the insole resonates with my inner soul.
This is more intoxicating than the brandy and aftershave put together.

My love for trainers is historic, mama couldn't afford them. (Will never forget that feeling).
Now I have way too many pairs of Airs. (I can't get enough of this euphoric feeling).

The Aftershave is now penetrating my epidermis, mixing with my natural pheromones to create an alluring cocktail that lingers in my trail. (Smelling so good, perhaps I need a permit?)

I fasten my watch, but I already know what time it is.


It is what it is, it does what it does, and it was what it was.

Joshua, TCC


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