The shortest stories ever told - Story Number Thirty Two

Foreign lady: "I no how use this. It no work."

Laundrette attendant: "You've overloaded the machine. It won't start with the amount of clothes you've put in it."

Foreign lady: "Yes, I no understand."

Exasperated laundrette attendant: "YOU HAVE OVERLOADED THE MACHINE..."

Foreign lady, processing the information: "Yes, please, speak to my husband." Hands her mobile phone to the attendant.

Me: "She wants you to explain to him what the problem is."

Laundrette attendant, rolls eyes grabs the phone: "I've already explained this, the machine is chokka block.* It's chokka block. The machine won't work because it's chokka." Hands phone back to the lady.

Me: "I don't think he would have understood what chokka block meant."

The End.

Demola, TCC 

*Colloquial term for jam packed. 


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