"Don't be like that, baby I'm sorry..."

So apparently even Pigeons have 99 problems. I took this photo on my way home. Here we see the male pigeon is clearly in the bad books with his missus.

By the looks of it, he's got a lot of ground to make up as his girl has employed the "I'm not talking to you" body language and has even tucked her chin into her comfy feathery top shop number.

I wonder what he did...

My guess is one of the following: 1. Came in late and didn't call or text, I mean he can't exactly say he didn't have any reception. 2. Didn't do the dishes as promised, 3. Liked his exes picture on Facebook (Rookie mistake), 4. Or maybe he came back with a fresh pair of trainers and didn't buy her anything.

I feel your pain my little pigeon brother...

Stay strong, keep your head up and you'll work things out.

Joshua, TCC


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