I think it's summer

If I didn't know any better the way that they are behaving seems to suggest that we are experiencing good weather.

The season that the gym goers love to pose.

Look at me! Look at my body!

The crack heads bare their child like chests. 

For crying out aloud, put a top on will you.

Walking along scheming and plotting.

The general folk are happy to display their toes.

Ha! That toe nail looks like it's rotting.

Manky with a dollop of crust

A pedicure most certainly is a must 

Witt woo - check out that bust! Oi oi! Hello darlin'. 

The men love to lust...

At the females as they wiggle on by.

Oh my...

The colourful single speeds the fixed gears.

The bikes.

The obese community sizzling under the hot sun.

They must be bacon hot.

The devote Muslim man says he shall eat that not.

Oops... This BBQ isn't for you.

The ASBO kids smoking pot on the grass.

They have nothing else to do.

So they let their minds rot.

That man is sweating profusely. I think he's Hindu or is it Sikh.

This unusual weather is great it's exceeded a week.

I didn't need to wear a coat today.

Or socks...

Yep, just as I suspected - the weather is hot.

Demola, TCC 


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