Man Of Steel - Review

If you are a regular visitor to The Chesterfield Collective then you will be aware (and perhaps quite bored) of the constant barrage of Superman anticipation posts and so forth. All I can do is NOT apologise for this. I am just a geek, I am comfortable with that. There are worse things to be in life.

So, Anyway, the long awaited day arrived and our tickets had already been booked for the first night of opening of this long awaited film and as I was on my way to meet my fellow Superman devotee (my sister) I could feel the excitement building. Finally, Finally! The chance to watch something that had been on the mind of more than a few million geeks/fans throughout the world. 

We took our seats (which were spot on). I looked to my left and saw a man in a wheel chair at the end of the row, he was sat with his bit of skirt they looked like trouble and I made a mental note of this. A group of males to my right - they didn't have enough of a fanatic look to them for my liking. In front of me a party of Chinese people sat looking at the screen like good little children. I worried that as soon as the film started that they would either start snapping away manically with cameras that they had stashed in their bum bags or even begin illegally recording the film on some sort of Fuji film device.

Also, I spotted a random old lady sat a few rows in front of me. I had no idea where she thought she was the senile bat. She probably didn't either, I was very dubious as to what business she had being in my eye line. I wouldn't  have been surprised if on seeing the opening credits and minutes not showing period costume or drama she would have promptly exclaimed "This isn't Pride and Prejudice!" and attempted to leave the cinema.

Armed with my popcorn and drink and two fudge chocolates that my sister had given to me. (Pretty old school but never mind). The film started and my eyeballs widened as my heart began to beat within my torso. 

I sat and watched intently for more than two hours disturbed a few times by a dude who went to the toilet and my sisters constant yapping in my ear and her needing the toilet as well (I would have rather wet myself than miss some of the film).

When it finished I thought was it worth the hype that I had imposed on this film, was it worth all the anticipation and excitement... Well, you know what I can't answer that categorically. What I can say is that I really liked the film, I enjoyed the film, however, there were some parts of it that I wasn't too keen on. These were not many, though.

Zac Synder and Christopher Nolan have easily banished the spectre of the proceeding 2006 attempt from Bryan Singer. It was apparent, however much they stated that this film would not be like the original offerings that they still drew a lot of inspiration from the original Superman 1 and 2 films.

The Man Of Steel is simply a visual feast to behold. The opening half hour is just so captivating and engrossing. As a mere spectacle it is stylishly shot and presented in a way that has shoved Superman into a very, very modern day arena. This new incarnation looked 'real' and felt authentic and for a 'superhero' film it wasn't gimmicky. 

From Clark Kent's humble upbringing in Smallville to his journeys of self discovery as he attempts to make sense of his life and the changes he has had to endure whilst growing up theses scenes were engagingly played out and had me hooked. This new Superman origin story also shed a lot of new light on his past before arriving on Earth from the planet Krypton that I found pretty interesting. 

In my opinion, the casting was inspired. Especially, for me, Henry Cavill. This relatively unknown actor is an astute and believable Superman. His portrayal of Clark Kent alongside this demonstrates how he fully got to grips with the humility and selfless traits a man with so much internal conflict should posses.

My negative quibbles would be that the fight scenes dragged a little. I was not bored of them entirely, but they did seem to transpire for a little too long than I would have preferred. And, also, Lois Lane wasn't pretty enough for my liking. I know, I know, but c'mon - I suppose she looked 'alright' when she had her hair down (sometimes) - but when it was up I wasn't feeling her whatsoever. 

Overall, the film left me wanting more. I was satisfied and pleased with the first of the new Superman films. I really expect this reboot to really rival that of the Batman trilogy. I just wish they would bring the next instalment sooner rather than later. 

Until then I will just have to be content with going to see it again in the cinema and then waiting for the DVD. 

Remember, I did say I was a Superman geek.

Demola, TCC 


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