Friends Reunion?

I don't know about you but I was a huge fan of Friends. It was just one of the funniest shows that I have ever watched. If you were a fan - you'll know that these new shows concentrating on the lives of  late 20's early 30 year olds just cannot compete with Friends. New Girl, How I Met Your Mother...please, give me a break. You'd be hard pressed to actually laugh out loud twice in an half an hour programme.
Friends stopped filming in 2004. The golden show would be no more. Bar the repetitive repeats in the UK all we could do was just remember the classics that we loved. Oh, and buy the box set.  Memories of the past so to speak. We loved those guys. (Not Phoebe though) she wasn't even that funny. More plain odd. And not in a endearing way - just odd. (Of course, this is only my opinion).
Now, there are rumours abounding that there could be a Friends reunion. Wow, imagine. Er, no - let's not imagine. It's over, over I tell you. Even Joey has grey hair now they've all aged and what would be the point. Marta Kauffman the Friends creator dismissed these rumours straight away saying: "I'm going to clear this up right now. No! not happening." She later added when I presume the hacks kept pestering her for reasons why. " I'd rather go oh, please, please than oh, I can't believe you did that. It was terrible."
To me that is fair enough. She doesn't want to revisit and potentially tarnish a classic.
But, what I later heard on this matter made me shake my head so much I nearly got a headache. A 'psychic' said that a Friends reunion WILL HAPPEN. Yes, somebody, I don't know who exactly, (I doubt I'd like to meet them), this loser went to a psychic and asked them to for tell the future and to let them know if this show would return again. The charlatan could probably see the desperation in the idiots face and simply told the donut what they wanted to hear for more than a nominal fee.
As I said, I loved the show. But, really! Come on. Who goes to see a psychic for Friends information!
Take a moment to recall your favourite friends episodes and I defy you not to not chuckle or smile.
Demola, TCC


  1. One of the funniest episodes has to be when Ross gets a spray-tan.. "One mississippi, two mississippi" ! Another one is when he whitens his teeth and they glow in the dark and he is trying to hide them from his date! Ahah


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