Salt 'N' Pepper

Back to 1996 I can safely say this track holds a special place in mine, Demola's and his little sisters hearts.  Yes, it was 17 years ago that somehow we came across this track, and Demola ended up getting it on CD single. When I tell you all three of us nearly wore this CD out over this one track.

Me and Demola would bounce around his bedroom in his mums house, lip syncing, rapping and hip hopping about like absolutely musically possessed kids.  Shoulder's jerking, legs shaking, and eyes rolling back, if his mum came in she would of called 999, and possibly a priest.

This tune was so infectious, a rare event even occurred. His lil' sister used to pine to come in, and since we was both on such a high we didn't care. So before we knew it Kike had infiltrated the off limits 'big boys' domain and was standing in the corner of her brothers room next to the boiler cupboard eagerly shaking her shoulders. Think Lisa from the Simpsons, and not one, but two Barts.

We didn't bother her, she didn't bother us. We all just shared an uncontrollable affinity for this random Salt N Pepper song, which was no way near their biggest hit.

This was unreservedly, the one song that had a weird, mystical, almost hypnotic control over all three of us equally.

Good times.

Joshua, TCC


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