The pillars of the community


The humble barber shop has been a mainstay within the black community for many decades. Most inner city areas house at least one. Having said this, over the last ten years or so it seems this male centric institution has begun to strangely flourish within areas that often flirt with deprivation and social issues. These unfortunate problems seem unable to break the spirit of a profession that is steeped in modern history. 

As with most things in life, people will have a preference. And the same applies to the men who visit barbershops. Deciding on which barber to tend to your needs is not simply about who cuts and styles your hair. It involves much more than that, careful consideration must be taken. Some go through a fraught process of trial and error until they find 'the man.' The one who's skills to their mind cannot be rivalled. Once you discover your 'chosen one' - then most men will quickly grow to love this man nearly as much as they love their wife of girlfriend. He has the ability to make them as happy as the other half, albeit in a different way. Such is your slightly selfish regard towards your barber - you dread anything terrible happening to him. A most awful nightmare that certainly would be.
So, with frequent visits to having your cut by the same person that can span years this will subsequently result in friendships being formed and loyalties developed. Clients talk, the barber listens and intermittently interjects. He has observed many make the transition from boys to men. His relationship with each person that he attends to can often differ. He is as skilled with electronic instruments as he is with displaying humanistic characteristics.

Many come and and many go. A myriad of  things have passed before his eyes and he has taken in much through his receptive ears. Seeing the same people on a regular basis will naturally lend itself to enabling bonds to be developed. Your barber is a confidant, sounding board and probably the person who improves your chances of attracting that tasty bit of skirt you have been eyeing up.

Rapport and male camaraderie reverberates within the walls of many a barbershop. This is a sanctuary where men can take a step away from the realities of life and engage in various open and frank conversations. Often near the knuckle, lude and most certainly not for the ears of women and children. Banter and humour dances in harmony with the constant buzzing of the barbers clippers as bravado and egos jostle playfully to out do one another. Basically, every topic appears to be fair game. It certainly isn't a place for overly sensitive individuals to frequent if they can not handle a ribbing or a two.

In these pillars of the community there are of course those well known characters that not only just go to have their hair cut - but to also spend time mixing within the company of others. A stripped down gentleman's domain of the common man and all alike. A distinctly unique environment for all that attend. A melting pot of personalities, ethnicity's and upbringing. All fused together to create a truly rich collaboration that reminds one that we live in an age of true diversity.

The music or television can often play second fiddle to the human interaction that always prevails in the barbershop. And after all is said and done - the pleased customer checks his reflection in the mirror and thanks his barber for hooking him up. Happily paying his money and leaving feeling that bit better than when he first arrived.

Demola, TCC


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