The Little Master

Whether it is going out to dinner, having family over, spending time with friends, or on a date. Basically, these occasions and many others seem to involve more than the living and breathing human beings present. Just a few short weeks ago I realised that the arguably anti social device being that of a mobile phone is never too far away. I am as guilty as the next person, perhaps even more. Constantly checking for messages or intermittently sending them. Rather than paying the family member or friend the full attention they deserve. (Some of them).

No longer can we or I go to meet or see a friend without 'inviting' a host of other 'friends' along. Yes, they all come along and I will chat with them via a small plastic gizmo whilst looking up every now and again to ensure that I am still paying the real life person in front of me enough attention.

If the situation warrants that I can not be 'as rude' (as perhaps I would like to be) when the opportunity arises, (they happen to go to the toilet, bar, etc etc perhaps even checking their own phone or taking a call) - I, like a crazed junkie quickly whip out my phone needing to check if anybody 'loves me,' has anybody sent me a self gratifying text message?? Have they?! Have they?!

With an insatiable hunger for constant communication and discussion the mobile phone has become a dominant master over many people who either already accept this sobering reality or do not even realise it. I feel good that I at least have become aware of this quite sad state of affairs. But having said this - I still allow it to boss me about far too much.

How many people can actually sit through a film and not check their phones at least once. I know I can't. Even during football matches, I am constantly texting friends about the events that I am watching and basically missing - as my head is up and down like a little nodding dog.

Perish the thought when people were not so easily accessible, how on earth did folk cope?! Not being at the beck and call when another person demanded their attention. People can often get annoyed when they contact another person via their phone - to then not be able to communicate. A text has been sent and not replied to 'instantly' a BBM or WhatsAPP message has been sent and read - yet the other person has not replied as quickly as their eyes processed the information. Heaven forbid that we or they, are say,  busy; imagine that...people may actually have other things to do than constantly monitoring a little plastic gadget that is treated with supreme reverence.

This generation has allowed the mobile phone to affect our lives so, so much. It is a great thing and can in my opinion, be deemed a negative thing in the social interaction instances that I have eluded to for such examples.

The little blighters sure have many of us in a choke hold.

Demola, TCC


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