Deluded Creature

It was dark. Distinctly sombre, the dim street lights flickered and twitched up above. The rain danced and swirled around in the animated wind.

I was making my way from the local supermarket braving the unpleasant elements. Wishing that I was back home in the warmth of my abode.

Suddenly, I was startled by a sharp glint of light. Two watchful eyes glistening in the grim dark evening. These contemplative vessels of lust were staring straight at me. I slowed my pace and looked at what was facing me.

It was a fox! One of those urban creatures that takes pleasure in stalking the dark shadows.

We were separated by a high metal fencing. Behind that was the expansive cemetery, perhaps the domain in which this animal resides.

The fox did not look aggressive, nor did it look confrontational. No, in fact it appeared to be covetting what I had clutched underneath my arm. My eyes shifted to remind myself of what I was holding.

A box...a box of flaked maize. Ahh, yes, I get it.

Cereal, the pesky fox was looking at my cereal. It was looking at it almost wistfully. Its eyes gleaming with the design for dinning over my breakfast with some milk.

I was unsure of whether to be afraid of this creature and its intentions - or to dismiss its foolish motive. I decided that there was no point in making a situation out of this predicament. The gated separation had semi imprisoned it anyway. Dividing our two contrasting worlds under the dark gloomy sky.

Time stopped for this moment until I realised that I was getting very wet and quickly made my way home.

Demola, TCC


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