A lot of men went to Mo...

As we wave goodbye to November and welcome in December and all of its Christmas cheer (humbug), I find myself in an awkward position. Over the last few months I have been ambushed by a wave of moustache clad men who's varying soup strainers have baffled me to no end (or should that be Mo end).

Before you start with the jeering and heckling, I know that it was all for a good cause and I am all for a good bit of humanitarianism. But with that said, I can not ignore the aesthetic affect of the charitable and noble act of allowing the hair on ones top lip to grow into a wild shrub of image altering possibility.

As I went about my everyday activities I couldn't help but notice the participants of Movember dotted about, surrounding me, closing in like a tribe of paranormal intruders infiltrating mankind under the guise of a 1970's film star, (the name Dirk Diggler suddenly springs to mind).

Over the past 30 days or so I seen it all; from the full on "Ticket's please," Victorian train conductor look of those able to achieve such an impressive volume masculine facial fuzz in such a short time - to the pathetic prickles of fluff from those whose feeble tempts at growing a 'tache' unintentionally screams "it's all about the taking part..." and reflects somewhat woefully on their testosterone producing potential which I imagine doesn't bode well with their chances of attracting a mate during the Movember period, but that's all just speculation.

One of the most popular choices for a Movember style was the trucker tache, this is the one you will recognise from the most cheesiest segments of popular culture (think village people). An unusual bearing that left a lot of men looking like the illicit love children of Bruce Grobbelaar.

Although some Movember participants actually ended up suiting their temporary tufts and will perhaps make a more permanent fixture of them, on the most part the 'tribe of Mo' offered themselves up as quite the spectacle and willingly became the likely subjects of ridicule.

It is for this reason that I must commend the Movember men for all of their selfless work but cannot dismiss the eerie memories of feeling desolate amongst an army of thatch faced inconspicuous characters that on the surface seemed harmless but in effect perhaps masked an ulterior motive that was bound to entail something sinister if their contrivances were ever to take form...

David, TCC


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