The Questionable Mindset

What drives us?  What inspires us? What moves us? What annoys us?

Are we merely products of our past that has gone a long way to define and shape our outlook and indeed future? Do we look forward to our future with optimism or slight trepidation? Why do we do certain things? Is it because we believe that it is the correct thing to do? Society has dictated that we should act in accordance with its parameters and rules. Some individuals can't adhere to restraints and barriers and continually fight to break free - screaming to smash moulds. Are they right? Can they ever be free?

Do profound sayings and quotes resonate with us?  Do we mirror our worth via celebrities and believe that they are better people than us? What makes us happy? Money? Love? Family? Kudos? Are we happy?

Do actions actually speak louder than words?  Do we work to live or live to work? Are we balanced? What is the perfect balance? If you say something false enough times; does it then become true. If things are too good to be true, are they?

Why do we feel that we must impress people that we do not know? those who we do not love or have any affinity towards. But it happens, what these people say and think often counts for a lot in the minds of many. Why do we search for approval? Are the most confident people the best actors - as they are better at masking their deepest insecurities? What age are we when we realise that we have insecurities?

How many people truly know the real person behind the often contrived facade? How many real friends do we have? How many people do we truly trust?  Why do they say that we usually hurt the ones we love the most? Familiarity breeds contempt. Who comes up with these sayings? Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Out of sight out of mind...

Are those sayings even true? Why are we hoarders of gossip and salacious information. Why do we follow? Why are many people sheep like? Are we afraid to be our true selves? To say no, to reject peer pressure. Why must society define us by race, gender - putting us into boxes that constantly need categorising?

Branding, because it helps, forms - because they need filling. Mandatory requirements that help assess equality - yet the majority are now beginning to feel alienated due to the fact that quoter's must be met. Boxes ticked. Do we understand the true nature of politics and everything it entails?

Why is overt niceness often greeted with suspicion? Why do many reflect on their childhood with rose tinted glasses? Why do we accept things that are deemed the 'norm.'

Why are we so susceptible to the media's power? Why have negative words flipped over and now have positive connotations?

Why is the freedom of speech one of the most untrue things that man believes he or she has the right too?

Why don't we ask enough questions?

Demola, TCC


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