The Beauty of Beauty

The relationship between beauty and the eye of the beholder is a beautiful thing in itself. There are many forms of beauty that strike the beholder as perfect and without fault, regardless of any imperfection.

Beauty is also a gift that continues to give as it can encounter many beholders; a sunset that enchants a hemisphere. A view that mesmerises all who embark upon its landscape. Nature boasts beauty in countless forms, from a humble flower to a magnificent rain forest, and everything that exists in between. 

Contrastingly, beauty, like all great powers can be used for both good and evil; the beguiling allure of a beautiful seducer, many people have fallen into honey traps. As Delilah lured Samson to his demise, her beauty remained intact.

A beautiful mind enriches the earth, creating a legacy of enlightenment. The words of Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi continue to bless and teach the masses.

Beautiful music brings people together, Bob Marley sang “let’s get together” and Marvin Gaye wrote “let’s get it on”.

We all marvel at beautiful works of art.  Beautiful words pull at the heart strings like a harpist in full dexterous flow. A rallying cry to uplift the spirits of the people - to a loving word of advice from a family member or close friend. Even perhaps, a beautiful poem that conveys the emotion of the writer.

Beauty, and all things beautiful is one of life’s greatest joys and is representative at all the great times in our lives, and as we age and reminisce it is the beautiful moments outshine the rest.

Submitted by David, The Collective


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