The pigpen

The pigpen is where the pigs lay about doing nothing more then what is expected of them.
Stirred only by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Most of the time, throughout the day, they are pleasant, and as civil as pigs can be towards each other. Snorting at the prospects of wallowing in some good old filth.

But as the footsteps become louder the atmosphere grows rapidly hostile.
Cliques start to form and they begin to snort behind each others backs.

The cliques disband into voracious packs and now no swine can be trusted.

As the gate swings open and a bucket of unsavory slop is hurled in their direction they snap and scowl at each other, scrapping to be first to the punch.

They instantly lap up and digest this sub-nutritious gruel until there is nothing left.

Seemingly satisfied they return to their civil pig-like behavior and everything is fine for the time being. Until the footsteps start again...

David, TCC


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