This is normal around these parts

Yes, this is how they do things in this neck of the woods. Horses randomly chilling on the streets. Considering I was born and raised in the concrete jungle of East London, I don't think I will ever quite get used to this kind of stuff. You know, nature. We had to go to a zoo to see this stuff. You know, nature! We'd heard about it in school and seen it on television but it just wasn't a language we were fluent in. You know, nature!!

Even something as basic as grass was alien to us. Our local football pitch was concrete. Not even fake grass. Not even astro turf. We were doing sliding tackles on concrete! In shorts... bare foot! OK, OK I embellish a little, but hey, growing up in East London was fun. You know, a poor "wire coat hanger in the TV for an ariel" kind of fun. (Sorry, I digress... back to the subject at hand...)

Horses are simply the norm around here. In fact there are so many of them, they've even paid homage to the bovine by installing a striking metal sculpture of one on the local round about... This was taken on my walk to the station this morning.

"Oh yes, there is a horse."


The local folk round here must think I'm a nutter. Taking photos of horses they are probably fed up of. Me? I'm just a tourist from East London, now living in merry old Kent.

Kent, England

Joshua, TCC


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