Chickens gang up to kill fox

A quite startling story was brought to my attention the other day. So shocking it was it literally forced me to question a few things; What type of world do we actually live in? And, erm, actually that was it, come to think of it.

So this is what happened... Chickens in a school farm in north western France are believed (yes, you better believe) to have ganged up and killed a fox. The ugly incident took place in Brittany after the now deceased fox entered the coop in which 3,000 hens inhabited. So this fox hungrily sauntered in through an automatic hatch door which immediately closed on its back.

A French man called, Pascal Daniel, relates how there was a herd instinct and that the birds attacked the fox with their beaks (well it was never going to be with weapons, mon ami) Anyway the body of the small fox was found the next day in a corner of the coop. "It had blows to its neck, blows from beaks!" Stated a shocked Mr Daniel before he took a distressed bite of his croissant.

The farm in which this fox trotted through is home to up to 6,000 free-range chickens who are kept in a five-acre site. So, of course, this fox must have thought it's dinner time. However, sadly for the orange creature, the hens had other ideas and decided that enough was enough. Sending a direct warning message (to the fox world) that they may be chicken - but by no means are they 'chicken!' Demonstrating quite brutally that when push comes to shove - they will not be cowed and have no qualms when it comes to murder!

Fair enough. This coop in France is kept open during the day and most of the hens spend the daytime outside practising martial arts and various forms of self defence classes.

Demola, TCC


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