
I hate them! I more than officially hate them! Seagulls! Not content with doing their 'business' on my head some years ago - they, well, another has seen fit to do its 'toilet' on my head again! Making my way to Pound Land I was minding my business, as I always do. To then hear a thud on my hood, then the realisation hit me, a wicked bird had dropped off a deposit on my hood and peak of my hat. The same groan that I exclaimed the last time it happened returned - as I looked in disgust at the damage. Green, yellow, and a little white. Who knows what the bird had been eating? Actually, from the colour palette - I would surmise chips, mayonnaise, and, erm, maybe an avocado. They make me sick! Why don't they fly to the ground and then go to toilet instead of dropping their waste mid flight! As though they're dropping bombs on poor peoples heads. These birds are pure evil and I would dearly love them to all be culled.

I just feel so sorry for myself now. Why me? Why me? Seagulls!

Demola, TCC


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