Is it really that funny?

There is something that I have begun to notice over recent times, that being the slight  pedantic grouch that I am I don't particularly like. Basically it's the overuse of the crying with laughter emoji. I, like most of the society who use emoji's liberally can fully appreciate how they add vibrancy to text conversations. I  have the ones that I am especially fond of like most people. Using an emoji is an easy way to display how one feels in that moment in time. Short of a few words - throw in an emoji. A world without emojis would be just plain dull. But having said that, though, here comes my massive bug bear; those who want people to know that they have found something humorous. Nothing wrong with that, you may say.

Well there are a range of emojis to show a person that you've tickled them, or indeed something else has tickled them. Arguably the most popular one is the crying with laughter emoji. The little yellow face with tears coming from its slanted eyes. Without a doubt when you see this face you had better believe that the person who has sent it is not crying with laughter. Unless you happen to be a seasoned comic, with years of comedic experience behind you, or you have sent something that is extremely, extremely funny - then the other person I'm afraid is not crying with laughter. So here arises my question: Why do they insist of lying and insuating that they are?

Why not be truthful and reply with a respectable "Haha" or little "Hehe" Or perhaps, throw in an exclamation mark to the respective Har har. I have an acquaintance who is severly guilty of the overuse of the crying with laughter emoji. This young man is so generous with his use of it - it is actually quite alarming. I may text him something that is a little funny, but his response is so over the top that I start to question his mental health, what's wrong with him? Why is he sending at least 20 of these tiresome emojis? It wasn't even that funny. Rapidly declining are the days when people downright lied and responded with the archaic "Lol" (No, you are not laughing out loud at all!) These people have moved on to another form of dishonesty.

So I have begun to notice more and more people throwing in these emojis as though they are getting paid commission from an unknown source. It's not clever, it's not cool. And quite frankly - I am fed up with it. However, I'm not brave enough to text and say anything to the transgressors. I just couldn't. Knowing what they're like - they'd probably reply with the very same emoji.

Demola, TCC


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