The little boy stuck in a world of adults

I took this while waiting at Euston train station for Demola last week Friday. While all the adults are busy with adult things, in their adult world... this poor boy is stuck somewhere he doesn't want to be and powerless to do anything about it. He just has to patiently wait...

I remember those days. Your parents being in ultimate control. Every move you made was granted by them. In many cases you had to wait patiently, way beyond your short attention span. Tough times.

Now, I'm the adult, in this adult world attempting to play by these adult rules. Funnily though, at the time of taking this photo I was in more or less the same crouching tiger mode as this kid. I had given up standing up trying to look important. (Plus my legs ached and I had quickly got bored of staring at the massive black information board looming overhead). Instead, I was down on his level, but instead of my hands being hopelessly on my head, I was doing something I like to do whenever the opportunity presents itself. People watching. Yes, I watch the people 'dem.

If you stop and just watch... you will soon see these fascinating and self-absorbed people doing what adults do. Rushing around and waffling away. Everyone seems to be so important. They must have many important things to do. Important places to go. Important things to say. That's the problem with adults. We all think we are important.

Oh how I envy you, little kid. Just you wait, you'll grow up and the important things will soon crowd out the fun things. But only if you let it...

Taken at Euston Station, London.

Joshua, TCC


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