
His nose twitches as he slowly pushes his glasses up the narrow ridge. Then he smiles to himself. That smile. He breaks out into laughter for no apparent reason. Something within his head must have tickled him. 

His nearby colleagues slyly look at one another with confused looks. He starts to tell an impromptu anecdote that none of them find particularly interesting or funny. He is oblivious to this. He finishes it and looks at his computer screen.  He's quiet for some moments. Then he gets up to make a drink. A colleague asks him a question. He doesn't know the answer and animatedly shrugs his shoulders saying in a mock New York Italian gangster voice, "Ah dunno, ah dunno..." The colleague looks at him straight faced. Another bursts out laughing then looks embarrassed  due to the loudness of the laughter. 

The office goes quiet again as he goes back to his desk. He taps on his keyboard for a few moments then let's out a huge, elaborate sneeze throwing his arms up above his head. He begins to laugh again. "That was power!" He proclaims as he wipes his nose with a handkerchief that looks like a bed sheet. His colleagues look at one another, a couple laugh and shake their heads. He continues to type on his keyboard as his colleagues continue working.

Demola, TCC 


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