Look at me now: Mara Wilson

Today's stroll down memory lane takes us to another former child star that stared in a film loved by many little girls in the mid nineties. And, also, some young boys. Translating popular books into films isn't always the most successful of ventures - but with the film Matilda this was certainly not the case. To some of you this fledgling face is instantly recognisable, and if it was I'm sure you smiled on seeing it. 

To get some of you up to speed - Mara Wilson was a nifty little actress way back in 1996 in which she played a kid with magic powers in the screen adaptation of Roald Dahl's Matilda. Which was produced by the perpetual munchkin, Danny Devito. Who coincidently played Matilda's questionable on screen father.

It goes without saying that Matilda was a cult classic. A film that did justice to Roald Dahl's famous book. A story which featured so many dastardly characters that it was often hard to decide who to dislike most. Having said that, who can ever forget the belligerent headmistress, Miss Trunchball. What a beast she was. With her hideous face and imposing demeanour she lingered long in the memory of all that read the book and then later saw the film.

Before young Mara played Matilda she was already a child actress on the rise. Lending her talents to Miracle on 42nd Street and playing one of the gullible kids in Mrs Doubtfire. (Really, how could you not recognise your father in drag?!) I'd like to believe that I would recognise my dad in a frock with coconuts shoved up his top, lipstick or no lipstick. I would know. (Shudder).

After the successes of the afore mentioned films Mara divided her acting skills between TV and the big screen. With her last big role of note being in 2000's Thomas and the Magic Railroad. 

So, we are at that point again. The question is burning our lips and we require that most pertinent answer. What on earth is Mara Wilson doing now? And what does she even look like? (Er, older, look at the picture).

Just look at Mara now! This young lady is 26 and doesn't look too shabby whatsoever. She has somewhat escaped the curse of the child star, which generally denotes - when you arrive at adulthood you must look 'weird'. 

You can more or less tell it's the same person who was in Matilda. (It's the eyes I tell you. Those eyes remember that brute, Trunchball). 

Anyway, after enjoying a nice little acting career Mara eventually lost her passion for performing, citing that she no longer enjoyed it. "Film acting is not fun." She also claims that it was creatively stifling due to  constantly being told to repeat scenes until the director was satisfied. 

On leaving acting Mara decided to go on to University in New York in which she graduated in 2009. Mara hasn't completely thrown in the acting towel, she still does bits of TV work, playing herself alongside voice overs. However, it seems that nowadays Mara is happiest as a writer and playwright and even has her own blog. So there you have it, Mara is all grown up and enjoys writing. How lovely.

I won't tell you what the blog is called because you may check it out, decide you like it and never bother revisiting TCC.  

Demola, TCC 


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