X Factor: The meaning of life

"I want this so, so much..." (Your intense eyes are scaring me a little).

"I need this so much!!" (I'm not being funny - but you sound like an addict, mate).

"My whole life depends on his moment." (Dramatic not in the slightest).

"I was born to do this." (Oh OK, kind of like a superhero, it's your 'destiny,' eh).

"I can't go back to working in a supermarket." (Why ever not? I'm sure you your old manager will take you back with open arms).

"My life will be over if I don't make it." (Really? Has somebody put a hit out on you if you don't make it through).

"I Just want to make a better life for myself and my family." (Don't we all??).

"This is my last chance." (Yawn...)

"I just want to make my family proud of me." (How fickle must your family be to only be proud of you if you're a pop star).

You really can't beat a dose of X Factor for abject desperation. Roll out the boring  clichés which seem to gush from the mouths of the plethora of wannabes. As a nation do we actually feel pity for these people? Heaven forbid they don't happen to make it into becoming rich and famous and, oh, a 'pop star'. Can you imagine the awful thought - their whole (like entire) existence would be deemed inconsequential. It really is a harsh life for non celebrated folk. It doesn't bare even contemplating. 

So, I have sat watching X Factor for years now observing the same unbecoming, desperate masses. Listening to to their relentless pleas for a 'chance' to fulfil their dreams and, you know what - I really can't help but thinking it's really not worth living if you're not rich and famous.

Oh I don't know, maybe I've got it all wrong. Perhaps I am being overly cynical.


Demola, TCC 


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