The books and I

"No matter how busy you think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance." - Confucius. 

So, reading according to folk like Confucius is mightily important. Well I for one can't argue with that. But in an age of constant technology and visual imagery there is little or no time for many people to actually have a moments respite. It's no wonder why small numbers of individuals take the time to read a good hearty old fashioned book. Forgot using a Kindle - they just aren't the same, no matter how many books they can store. 

2013 rolled in and the general population  made their usual resolutions, thou shall drink less, thou shall exercise, etcetera, etcetera...

This year, along with the things that I set for myself was the challenge to read a healthy amount of books. I would have 12 months, 365 days to get acquainted with lots of interesting literature. Yes, I was full of purpose and drive, I would achieve my goal.

August is nearly over and so far I've been moving at such a slow, dawdling pace I am in terrible danger of not reaching the amount that I set before myself. The months are already closing in until the end of the year and I am not even at the half way stage. Having said that, I have continued to purchase books as though I plan to go into hibernation with the intention of reading them. I haven't even read the ones I already own. Talk about optimistic. 

My reading task is already arduous to say the least - but now I have been confronted with a challenge that if I am totally honest with myself will prove to be a major feat if it can be tackled and slain. 

The books that you see in the picture are two such books that have been kindly loaned to me by friends of whom stated are great reads. My initial thoughts (after a small gulp) on receiving them and flicking through were ones of a daunting nature. Thick, slightly cumbersome books with pages upon pages of small text and, well, yep - did I mention the word daunting?

"It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it." - Oscar Wilde.

Having the best intentions is an admirable virtue I believe, but, after a while intentions need to be administered, actions made. So, am I going to tackle these books before Big Ben chimes in? 

I will try my best, but if I fail I will just have console myself with the notion that I did try, (perhaps not my hardest) and that's all that counts, right?

Demola, TCC 


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