Gone, but by no means forgotten

Alas, it was time. I had been putting it off for longer than I should have. Guess I was in denial, I just loved them; comfy, snug and more than worn in. For me they exuded a distinguished character that only comes from repeated wear over many years. Although, having said that,  these Vans had begun to display unsightly holes underneath, plus, a crazy fraying that wasn't the best look, oh, and they had lost all semblance of shape - sort of  like a gluttonous backside. My hoity-toity sister would look at them with abject disdain and tramps would look apon them with unbridled lust. But I didn't care, I've always had a soft spot for these bad boys.

They recently came abroad with me only for them to get covered in sand and dust, subsequently looking, to use a Liverpudlian colloquial term, 'a show.' (Poor things). Staring at their pitiful state in my hotel room floor I had to make a painful decision - do I take them back to the UK or leave them in the room for a peasant maid to find and take home for her husband or son. (Or herself, if she's a size 10).

I'm sure they will have a new home now. I just hope that the new person, whoever it may be will appreciate my kind gesture. 
Oh how I loved these Vans. (Sigh...)

Demola, TCC 


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