June 14th - Mark it in your diaries!

June the 14th, June the 14th! The release date is drawing ever closer! Oh how I have awaited this film. Like a bonafide geek I have frantically been crossing off the days like a maniac. Last year it was never too far away from my mind as I researched and literally read as much on what I could find as possible. Superman won't even be wearing his famous underpants over his trousers in this new film.

Suppose that makes sense - wasn't the best look ever - but, having said that - the Man of Steel can do no wrong and will do wrong. I thoroughly expect this film to be magnificent. I may even hold a Superman themed party in my home for all the crazy fans I know... ahem, probably won't be quite a wild hedonistic  evening but with the 'S' shaped sandwiches and Superman party games I am planning the night should go down a treat.

The excitement is bubbling so much I will overspill with Superman delight!

Below, is just another super trailer to further wet the appetite! ('super' trailer... did you notice my clever word play there?! geddit!) Up up and away!

Demola, TCC


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