The man with a dream

My name is Richard Daniels. I arrived in the city of Angels like six months ago. Similar to that famous black man, Will Smith or was it Micheal Jordan... I had a dream. I have a dream. A dream that I hope is fulfilled before a Puerto Rican gang banger puts a cap in my backside. I want to be a world famous actor. I want it all. Fame, fortune, the women, the adopted African kid and an Oscar. Also, I would like a stint in rehab so that I can devote a chapter in the book that I will have written when I decide to share my life story with my fans.
I primarily see myself as an action hero. Let's say Bruce Willis meets the Rock but with a hint of Sly Stallone. I really respect those men for their commitment to good acting. I feel the Rock - especially should have been nominated for his sterling work in The Fast and Furious 12.
I am not naive. I understand to achieve my dream I must work hard at my craft and subsequently actors are not always in work. Due to this reality, I found a job for myself in a local diner. I serve hot coffee in the morning with waffles and other breakfast foods. In the night, I dance in a bar on a podium. I'm saving up for acting classes. Once a woman who I believe was a casting agent referred to me as: "body like Baywatch, face like Crimewatch." What a compliment that was. It ranks amongst my favourites.
From time to time I have spotted many celebrities who have come into the diner. Many under the cloak of anonymity. Sunglasses, baseball cap. You know, that usual get up. I always demonstrate my acting skills when I'm pouring out their coffee. I will do various accents and impromptu soliloquies. Just last week I was serving Keither Sutherland - I put on my best most thick Arab accent to demonstrate my talent. Plus, I had heard that a new series of 24 is in the pipeline. My nous told me that they always need terrorists in those types of shows. When it was time for him to pay the bill I received it in a colourful Jamaican accent because I'm totally like versatile. The man who I thought was Keither Sutherland turned out to be a look a like who is paid to do functions and parties.
I wasn't happy at all. That guy was a total jerk. He really looked like him. He fooled me, I told him this much. But Harry, who is also a part time librarian said I had tricked him as well. He believed that I was  really Jewish - but  my west African accent had thrown him.

Maan! I really hate it when people confuse my accents.

Demola, TCC


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