The fresh concept of parenting

The celebrities are always good for spouting nonsense from time to time. Latest case being Mr Will Smith. The guy everybody loves says that he refuses to punish his kids if they misbehave. His children should take responsibility for their own actions.
Will Smith, is a father of three - Trey, from his first marriage (who is not a kid) and Jaden and Willow from his current partner Jada Pinkett Smith.
As you will probably be aware of, his two youngest have followed their parents into the heady lights of the business called show. Smith has revealed that his little two sprogs have almost complete control of their lives despite their tender years. (Raised eyebrow). 

Willow can be no older than 12 at the most. Jaden, I have no idea, 14/15. Who cares - they're still very young. Relatively speaking they are babies. So, their dad blabs: "We don't do punishment. The way that we deal with our kids is, they are responsible for their lives. Our concept is, as young as possible give them as much control over their lives as possible and the concept of punishment, our experience has been - it has a little too much of a negative quality." (When was a punishment supposed to be fun).
The former Men in Black actor then added to this profound new wave of parenting with: "You can do what you want as long as you can explain to me why that was the right thing to do for your life."
I'm neither a parent or an expert on raising children, but... allowing your kids to do whatever they want?! As long as they can explain themselves! Don't we all realise that the logic of a young person is completely different to that of an adult. What happened to young people needing guidance and parameters. Not cart blanch to go gung ho then concoct an elaborate excuse as to why it was 'the right thing to do.'
How Will Smith raises his children is hardly any of my concern but it did make me think of how Super Nanny would view this 'concept' or indeed strict African parents. How would they entertain the notion of allowing their children to get away without any punishments. The likely hood would be that they would listen to the child's lame reasoning for the misdemeanour and then beat them for their sins and then again for having the temerity to insult their intelligence.
 Each to their own I suppose, but, really?
Demola, TCC


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