A poignant letter

She had spent some considerable time attempting to clear out the attic. Dust residue and a musty smell lingered in the atmosphere. Time had steadily meandered along as the lady went about de-cluttering and shifting various bits and pieces.

This had proven to be a far more laborious process than she had first envisaged. Fed up and in need of a little rest she sat on an old wooden stool and surveyed the dimly lit surroundings. Sighing quietly she noticed a shoe box situated close to a gaggle of items that she had yet to work through.

Instantly recognising the box and recalling its contents - she moved from her perch and picked it up. The careful act of blowing and then wiping it with her sleeve was administered before slowly opening the encasing.

The cardboard vessel was home to a capsule of memories that she had stowed away for a plethora of years. Full of nostalgic letters and a couple of photographs. Fragments of her heart that had been bansihed to the darker echelons of an old attic.

Emotive letters lay solemnly in a tidy fashion from a once dear love. Letters that she had happily received when they were apart from one another during the periods of their fine romance. This kindred spirit was one of whom she had not seen in over twenty five years. She unfolded one of the many letters and began to read.

Blue eyes watered as the beautiful heartfelt words inscribed on the page in that once familiar handwriting began to reacquaint with her mind. She continued to read as a wave of memorable thoughts came flooding back, charming memories drenching her consciousness.

A small, emotional smile broke loose and displayed itself on her face as she continued to read the poignant letter.

Demola, TCC


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