Romeo and Burberry

This week esteemed fashion house Burberry announced and showcased a new youthful face for their 2013 spring/summer campaign.

This announcement may have raised eye brows in certain quarters as the thought of a child born in 2002, being a major player within the world of Burberry is a break from the norm. Granted, this alliance is a little unusual. But, it could be argued that his cute looks and famous parents has probably enabled Romeo to infiltrate the fashion community that he apparently already really enjoys. The second in line to the Beckham throne has been described as ''experimental, quirky and fun,'' by Menswear director of Selfridges, David Walker - Smith. Lovely little eulogy there, but are not many 10 year olds 'experimental' and flirt with the 'quirky' and enjoy lots of youthful 'fun'?

Obviously, being of A list celebrity stock can open many a door. However, I fear that this appointment will be laden with pitfalls and a heavy burden will be placed upon his very, very young shoulders. Most people would agree that Romeo Beckham is one good looking little boy. It appears that he has sampled much from the gene pool of his father. I suspect that as he grows older and becomes a teenager he will have no shortage of female admirers. But, there should be a huge note of caution attached to how women perceive his cuteness. The name Harry Styles from One Direction springs to mind. That chap is not much older than Romeo in relative years. I think he is about 13/14 years old, yet he has been 'mackin' (cavorting with) much older women for a good few years now. Public stardom has affording him the choice of cherry picking and being plucked by 'seasoned booty'. And although many people have been alarmed with this fact - on the flipside a large selection of 'cougers' have deemed it perfectly acceptable that a young boy should take delight in romancing older females.

So, that is my first concern for little Romeo in regards to this Burberry deal.

Another worry is that I have failed to read within the reports of this new fashion collaboration is to how it will be received within the 'Chav' association. Let's not beat about the bush - in England whether Burberry like it or not. Well, I know for a fact that they don't like it, that their highly fashionable and trendy brand has for many years been adopted by a large demographic of 'chavs' and the alike. For those of you that are unfamiliar with this term it basically denotes: a, erm...'bum' peasant sort of person. Poor education and other not very complimentary things. Many people turn up their snooty noses at such people and their subjectively awful sense of style. Which in a weird way loves to incorporate the Burberry brand.

Romeo, is now affiliated to Burberry, and for the chavs that can actually read and look at pictures clearly after an indulgent afternoon of boozing may see him as a person that captures the imagination. He is their unofficial prince. Think the Golden Child. They can take ownership of this boy who's father hails from humble digs such as they have. Now, I am sure that Romeo has no idea what the word chav means or has even ever heard the word mentioned. But he soon will, when he is inundated by mail poorly written by slightly illiterate individuals who request that he sends them free merchandise along with other deluded requests.

Time will tell if indeed this will be the case. I do fear that Romeo will have to encounter more than he has bargained for. Having said that, I will watch with interest to see how this little dude gets on making his name in the world of fashion.

Demola, TCC


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