Snakes and Ladders

The average life of an individual can often encounter many ups and downs, stops and starts.

The reasons for these variables can often differ dependant on the persons life decisions that happen to be made. Alongside this, factors that are usually unforeseen.

For some fortunate individuals life is quite genial - the protagonist seemingly appears to sail along easily and finds their way to the proverbial top or achieves a general state of satisfaction without too much bother. For others, the opposite applies.

Many are predisposed to battling and struggling in and out of circumstances that life and society presents to them.

Snakes and Ladders is the analogy for my thoughts on this topic.

Muddling our way through a game that at times we are up - then quickly to quickly fall away. Around the corner can be pitfalls  and the then periods - when we rise again from the ashes - to then come back down again can be so demoralising. But the innate resilience that many humans possess makes us want  to dust ourselves off and go again and again.

However, this is not always the case for everybody, granted. Apathy is a terrible affliction and when it sets - it is hard to break loose. Those shackles can be binding.

Highs and achievements it could be argued tend to be savoured that bit more when we have experienced troubled and difficult times.

One persons problems could easily be deemed small and insignificant to another's. Everybody deals with situations in their own unique way.

A personal triumph may hardly rank against somebodies believed bigger sense of achievement. It doesn't matter how small or big  the ladder you climb up in your life, or if you fall off frequently. The most important thing - is that you are able to get up and keep climbing.

Snakes and Ladders.

Demola, TCC


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