Memory Lane...

Super Mario! Super Mario! Super Mario!!  The times I spent playing this game! The Gameboy and Nintendo and Super NES days. This lil' Italian dude battling baddies and over coming various obstacles. With the help of his brother Luigi and Yoshi - the dinosaur... Eventually, he would come up against Wario. His super evil nemesis! Fun times. Bouncing on random things to kill them and collecting points and coins. I can hear the music playing in my head as I recall the games.

They were so addictive and funny. Some of the characters made me laugh when you would jump on them and the sound and effects they would make and do.  6 Golden Coins was a classic Gameboy game that I played. I had to battle against three evil deranged pigs on one treacherous level...Yikes!

Mario Kart is still popular now. But I remember when it first game out  and how we all enjoyed it and choosing between all the wacky characters that are all a part of Mario's world. Brilliant!

Unfortunately, I remember that Hollywood had to go and make a film about Super Mario. Why oh why?! It stunk to high heaven. The whiff probably still wafts around the studio today. Never mind, it didn't tarnish my memories too much. Perhaps this wasn't Bob Hoskins finest acting hour.

Submitted by Demola, The Collective


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