Just another train journey

Music plays as usual. Magazine on lap, flicking through and reading intermittently - when something catches my eye. Gazing out of the window. Buildings become fields - fields become more fields.

Perfect time for one to reflect and ponder. Conversations around you. Sometimes you tune in and listen to what is being said. Then you tune out - and it fades away. It wasn't so interesting.

Who lives in these houses that this train speeds past. I wonder; greenery, animals, the English countryside. The city has firmly been left behind. If it was not for this journey, maybe I would never see these things.

Clouds up in the blue sky. A portrait of stillness. The blue backdrop merged with light greys effortlessly reside above. Their positioning still and tranquil. A semi radiant sky that reiterates that today's weather has been nice. Light continues to shine through.

A comfortable calmness prevails as the train rolls on.

Just another train journey.

Submitted by Demola, The Collective


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